CalPERS is the California Public Employees’ Retirement System is an agency in the California executive branch that “manages pension and health benefits for more than 1.6 million California public employees, retirees, and their families
- Public pension nightmare is getting worse
- “The league is telling cities to consider local sales tax measures and to negotiate with labor unions to force current employees to pay more into pension plans. Modesto is considering a special fund or a one-time payment to CalPERS.”
- In California, rising pension tide leaves services underwater
- “Rising pension costs mean California cities are increasingly struggling to provide services and beginning to talk uncomfortably about insolvency, according to testimony from city officials and a new report.”
- This tiny Sierra Valley town voted to pull out of CalPERS. Now city retirees are seeing their pensions slashed
- “…four retired city employees became the first in California to see their pensions sliced by CalPERS because of a city defaulting on its payments to the fund, but hundreds of other government retirees across the state may soon face a similar fate.”
- Senate Bill 1032 – Eliminate the Terminated Agency Pool
- “SB 1032 ultimately allows entities contracted with CalPERS to terminate their contracts without paying the exorbitant termination fee associated with leaving the system.”
- Local Agency Exits from CalPERS
- “The nation’s biggest multi-employer pension system was never a good fit for a small rural fire district and the Herald Fire Protection District finds withdrawing from CalPERS is easier said than done.”
- Mapping The $100,000+ California Public Employee Pensions At CalPERS Costing Taxpayers $3.0B
- “The California Public Employee Retirement System (CalPERS) is the USA’s largest pension fund with $301 billion in assets. It’s also a lucrative transfer mechanism helping 1,251 local governments confer ‘highly compensated’ pensions to tens of thousands of public employees.“
- Interactive Pension Tool
- “Quickly review (by last employer ZIP code) the 21,862 public employee retirees at CalPERS who pulled-down a pension of $100,000 or more.”
- “Quickly review (by last employer ZIP code) the 21,862 public employee retirees at CalPERS who pulled-down a pension of $100,000 or more.”