Where to watch: Lompoc City Council meetings are held at Lompoc City Hall, 100 Civic Center Plaza and streamed online. Click here to watch live and archived meetings.
How to Submit Public Comment: If you wish to make a comment during oral communications or on a specific agenda item, you may call (805) 875-8201 before the close of public comment on the agenda item. You will be provided three minutes for your comment. Alternatively, you may submit comments via email to s_haddon@ci.lompoc.ca.us not later than 4:00pm on Tuesday, January 5, 2021. Individual councilmembers can be contacted here; this page also defines district boundaries.
On the Agenda for January 5, 2021 6:30 p.m.:
- Approval of minutes from regular meeting held December 15, 2020.
- Adoption of Ordinance No. 1677(21), Changing the Appointment Method and Structure of City Commissions to Require that Commissioners be Appointed by District
In the December 15, 2020 meeting the new council majority voted in favor of changing the way appointments are made to city commissions by requiring city councilmembers to only appoint commissioners who live within their districts.
These are volunteer positions and historically difficult to fill. Because the mayor’s appointment would be at large, each commission would have one representative from three districts and two from one district. Currently, commissioners overwhelmingly reside in District 1 (North Lompoc).
During tonight’s meeting the council will vote to finalize this change.
- Considerations of City Council’s List of Requested Future Agenda Items and Potential Amendment, Addition, or Removal of Items
Requests made by the outgoing council will be reviewed and amended by the new council. Once requests are made they are passed to city staff to enact, however there are no deadlines or requirements for them to be completed within a reasonable time frame. Many of these items will end up on future agendas and some may languish at the discretion of city staff for years.
Public comment on this item is a great time to make suggestions or comments on the existing list. The list can be found by clicking here.
- Overview and Discussion of Policies, Procedures, and Rules in the City Council Handbook; Discussion of Potential Revisions or Amendments to Handbook
The council handbook will be reviewed, discussed, and changes requested. This is important to watch if you want to know how council works and what changes the new council wants to make. Review the 2017 handbook by clicking here.