Below is an email you can send with the attachment at the bottom
Also, remember the meeting this Tuesday, June 18 at 6:30 may be our last chance to get this change incorporated.
Dear Lompoc City Councilperson
This Tuesday (June 18th, 2019) you will be faced with a significant zoning update. During the last review, you directed the planning commission to review the special event overlay to improve it by considering a business-friendly approach.
While the planning commission did review this and within the time constraints did improve it, however, there are still some non-business elements that are:
- Counter to the intent of the special overlay to minimize TUPs
- All events within the barrel rooms will by default require a TUP
- There is not explicitly stated requirement for annual or greater periods for those events that require a TUP.
- Continued treatment of wine tasting rooms as an accessory use. Wine tasting rooms are an integrated function of the majority of the 41 wineries located in Lompoc. The specific area of concern is in the terms section where an example actually states that tasting rooms are accessory.
The Lompoc community is concerned that if the zoning ordinance is accepted as proposed by staff Lompoc wineries will be at a disadvantage and Lompoc will see a migration to more business-friendly locations such as Buellton or Solvang.
With this in mind, the attached was developed by the wine, nonprofit, and artist community and is provided as our recommendation for review and approval by the city council.
Wine NonProfit & Artist Community Suggestions for Zoning Code Revision
Email Addresses to send Zoning suggestions to:
- Jim Throop (j_throop@ci.lompoc.ca.us)
- Victor Vega (v_vega@ci.lompoc.ca.us)
- Gilda Cordova (g_cordova@ci.lompoc.ca.us)
- Jim Mosby (j_mosby@ci.lompoc.ca.us)
- Dirk Starbuck (d_starbuck@ci.lompoc.ca.us)
- Jenelle Osborne (j_osborne@ci.lompoc.ca.us)