THE SURF BEACH CLOSURE STORY: Old History : Almost 20 years ago the United States Fish and Wildlife service required the Air Force to come up with a recovery plan for the “Threatened Snowy Plover”. It was decided that people on the beach were a substantial cause of the estimated reduction in the Plover population and Surf Beach was closed during the summer nesting season.
Recently City Council Member Jim Mosby became aware that the Air Force was applying to the Coastal Commission to continue the Beach Closure. He brought it up at City Council and it was agreed that the City Manager would write a protest letter. Mayor Osborne was driving south on the day of the Coastal Commission hearing and dropped off the letter in Oxnard and one Lompoc resident drove to the meeting to object to the continued closure at Mr. Mosby’s request.
Because there had been no prior opposition to the continuation of the closure the item was on the Consent Calendar for the Coastal Commission. Because of the City letter and the one Lompoc resident there to speak in opposition the Coastal Commission Staff decided to continue the item with the Air Force’s approval.
At the same time, a copy of a study, the Air Force had done on the Plover program and beach closures in 2016 became available because of efforts by Steve Bridge of the Park Commission.
The Air Force report showed that in the 20 years of the Plover program that in only one year2004, did the Plover population meet the Recovery Plan Goal. Previously the Air Force biologist has stated that in 2004 the lack of freezing nights allowed the Plovers chicks and adults to survive.
The Air Force report also showed on average, for the years the beach has been closed, the number of Plover eggs that survived to adult birds in areas of the beach closed to humans and areas open to humans, the survival rate was almost the same. You can read a quick summary or the full report at surfbeachlompoc.com
The first concern of the Coastal Commission is beach access and there have been concerns about the long closure of Surf Beach. During a conversation with Coastal Commission staff, the question came up about how Lompoc Valley residents felt about the closure. The answer was we want to help the Plovers but the beach closure has made no difference and it is time to get Sur Beach back. So the Commission Staff has asked for letters, emails.
DO NOT CUT AND PASTE SOMEONE ELSES EMAIL. Tell a story about your fond memories at out SURF BEACH.
Send email or mail by June 10, 2019. Email: larry.simon@coastal.ca.gov
Coastal Commission,
45 Fremont St Suite 2000,
San Francisco Ca. 94105
Petitions: To OPEN OUR SURF BEACH are being circulated all over the Valley. If you cannot find one to sign or you want to circulate on print one from surfbeachlompoc.com and return signed petitions to the Box Shop by June 10, 2019, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE 18 TO SIGN THE PETITION AS KIDS LOVE THE BEACH TO.