In 2018 after extensive review and numerous public comments in favor of the City of Lompoc Planning Commission and then the City Council approved the requirement that to establish a safe parking location a Conditional Use Permit had to be obtained. At that time the City Staff wanted it to be an over-the-counter permit issued by the City Staff with no notice to the surrounding property owners. Safe Parking is a program that allows those living in their cars, trucks, trailers, and motor homes to park in a selected location every night.
With the election of a new Council member, the Mayor is now in a position to give the staff what they wanted in 2018. I personally support the establishment of safe parking locations with the opportunity for the surrounding residents to have input on the proposal. The other advantage of the Conditional Use Permit process is that if a Safe Parking location is approved and unforeseen problems developed complaints by surrounding residents and Businesses must be reviewed by the Planning Commission and the City Council on appeal.
Without the Conditional Use Permit process that the past council wisely put in place residents and Businesses could wake up one morning and find a Safe Parking area on their street or adjoining parking lot with no notice.
- Send an email to each of the Council Members below. [NOTE: Council members Stabuck and Vega voted for the Conditional Use Permit requirement in 2018.]
- Call or go visit with a Council Member you know.
- Come to the City Council meeting tonight at 6:30 and testify when item “5” comes before the Council.
- Forward this email to everyone in Lompoc you know and ask them to take action.
- Jenelle Osborne, Mayor (Entire City) j_osborne@ci.lompoc.ca.us (805) 315-8761
- Gilda Cordova, Council Member (District 1) g_cordova@ci.lompoc.ca.us (805) 315-7020
- Victor Vega, Council Member (District 2) v_vega@ci.lompoc.ca.us (805) 315-7048
- Dirk Starbuck, Council Member (District 3) d_starbuck@ci.lompoc.ca.us (805) 315-7049
- Jeremy Ball, Council Member (District 5) j_ball@ci.lompoc.ca.us (805) 314-4840
- Introduction of Ordinance No. 1680(21), Amending Chapter 10.30 and Title 17 of the Lompoc Municipal Code to Revise and Establish Regulations for Safe Parking Programs, and Repeal of City Council Resolution 6179(18) Regarding Safe Parking Programs Planning Manager Brian Halvorson
Recommendation: Council Hold public hearing; and Introduce, for first reading by title only with further reading waived, Ordinance No. 1680(21) amending Chapter 10.30 and Title 17 of the Lompoc Municipal Code to revise and establish regulations for Safe Parking Programs, and repeal City Council Resolution 6179(18) regarding Safe Parking Programs or provide other direction to staff.