How to watch: Lompoc City Council meetings are held at Lompoc City Hall, 100 Civic Center Plaza and streamed online at 6:30 p.m. Click here to watch live and archived meetings.
How to Submit Public Comment: If you wish to make a comment during oral communications or on a specific agenda item, you may call (805) 875-8201 before the close of public comment on the agenda item. You will be provided three minutes for your comment. Alternatively, you may submit comments via email to s_haddon@ci.lompoc.ca.us not later than 4:00pm on Tuesday, February 2, 2021. Individual councilmembers can be contacted here; this page also defines district boundaries.
On the Agenda for February 2, 2021:
- Approval of minutes from January 19, 2021 meeting.
- Revisions to Handbook for Commission, Committee, and Board Members Relating to Appointment of Commissioners and AB 992 Social Media Use; Adoption of Resolution No. 6381(21).
Earlier this year the council majority voted 3-2 to change the way appointments are made to commissions. Most city council members started out as commissioners, and they act as an extension of their councilmembers on these ever-important commissions. The primary change made earlier this year is that council members must now only appoint commissioners who live within their district. The council minority has argued that this makes it difficult to fill their seats, as the districts themselves are arbitrary to the average citizen.
The revisions that will be discussed would give the mayor power to appoint commissioners from these districts if the council member does not appoint one within three months.
If citizens wish to be considered for an appointment in their district they should read the eligibility requirements and apply here. A detailed overview of the committees is available here.
- Discussion of Fireworks Enforcement and Introduction of Ordinance No. 1678(21) Amending Chapter 8.28 (Fireworks) of Lompoc Municipal Code Related to Enforcement of Fireworks Regulations.
Lompoc residents are no stranger to the “fireworks problem”. Seemingly all year long they pop off around town and can be confused with gunshots, increasing anxiety in a town that has experienced a lot of shootings in the last year. While this ordinance attempts to crack down on the problem, it crucially makes property owners liable for fines for fireworks violations even if the fireworks are being set off by trespasser to the property. Citizens are encouraged to participate in pubic comment.
- Discussion of Riverbed Clean-up Suggestions.
All suggestion will be considered. Citizens are encouraged to participate in pubic comment.